Sick Magazine Issue 5
Sick Magazine
Sick Magazine Issue 5
Sick Magazine

SICK is an independent, thoughtful magazine by chronically ill & disabled people, founded & edited by Olivia Spring and designed by Kaiya Waerea. SICK is committed to elevating the voices of sick & disabled people by publishing essays, features, poetry, visual art, interviews, and more. Our aim is to increase representation of sick & disabled people in publishing and the arts and to challenge the harmful stereotypes and misconceptions surrounding disability. We work in and with our slowness, pausing and resting when we need to. We believe, listen to, and support each other. We reject productivity as means of value and celebrate our sick & disabled bodies.


Essays, features, poetry, art & more from Kiersten Adams, Lindsey Allen, Anonymous, Mira Brunner, Kinsey Cantrell, Cortney Cassidy, Cassio, Calla King-Clements, amy etherington, Leora Fridman, William Gee, Josephine Guan, Gigi El-Halaby, Faye Harnest, Sullivan Jordan, Kahlil Kasir, Michelle Kuan, Eliza Lutz, Nila Narain, Hayley Cranberry Small, Kaiya Waerea, Katie (Tom) Walters, Hanna Norberg-Williams, and Emma Zack.


Designed by Kaiya Waerea
Cover art by Calla King-Clements
Illustrations by Josephine Guan