A Table Made Again for the First Time
Juan De La Cosa
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A Table Made Again for the First Time
Juan De La Cosa
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”This publication has arisen directly from the spirit of artistic, literary and critical enquiry set forth in the British writer and translator Kate Briggs’ unprecedented This Little Art (Fitzcarraldo Editions, 2017). Hannah Arendt said of the best sort of storytelling, that it ‘reveals meaning without committing the error of defining it.’ The revelations in This Little Art are, for us in the book’s intensely discursive, reflective nature and the series of essential questions it raises for us as readers (and writers); open-hearted enquiries opened out to the extent that left both of us feeling there was more business here, to be done. — (from the Editors’ introduction)

A Table Made Again for the First Time is an anthology that gathers essays by 9 authors – writers, artists, editors and poets– who relate to translation as a task that demands its own specificity.

Editor(s): Paul Becker, Francesco Pedraglio
Year: 2021
Language: English
Found in: Art  Writing