fanfare inc

fanfare inc
X consumes ongoing potential professional inspiration – always brings something to capture, record, explore ideas. X works across countries with Y and Z. Transmission takes place through various channels. When not in flight mode, X is always easily reached. The same goes for Y and Z, and everyone else in the field, outside their field, and all around. X never leaves empty handed. X wants handy objects, portable forms... adaptable extensions to be ever more flexible. Whether in the airport, on a couch, in a train, or crossing the world, X extends work. X makes work work everywhere. X likes objects, but prefers simplicity. X is free. X is captivated. X structures surroundings to adapt to the flow. One flow, many options.
In what circumstances does nomadic labour take place?
Are you equipped to be flexible?
How personal is your workspace?
What do you need to function professionally?
How flexible is your working station?
With what do you travel?
To what extent are your tools material?
What does your life look like when packed into hand luggage?
The second edition of fanfare inc. sets out to research the concept of contemporary tools. In this context, tools should be approached in relation to nomadic labour, as items extending our work adjustability.
Anything can arguably be a tool⋆, and one might very well say that the capability of applying ‘toolness’⋆⋆ to things remains the fundamental milestone in human evolution. The advancement of tools has contributed to the development of human culture and the rise of civilization. While basic tools appear in the archaeological record as far back as 2.6 million years ago, studies suggest that primitive tools have been in use for 3.4 million years. Tools change, but their essence is constant: something that extends forces, and improves results. Tools simplify our doing. Tools win time. Tools enable movement.
In the theory of affordances, any function of an object is relative and dependent on its environment and context. In line with this thought, toolness can be applied to any object. A tool tells stories about its producer, as well as its user. The tools we develop, the tools we use, the tools we bring with us, all reflect our current surroundings. As such, tools are the result of thinking form, function, time, and outcome together. When labour becomes nomadic, tools adapt. When nomadic tools develop, labour follows. Tools follow function.
Usage of the vocabulary 'tool' is in this context approached in its most tangible way, as something performing an action. Even before this performance, a tool is understood as a tool.
Distinguished from the tool itself, toolness should be understood as the concept of a tool. Seen in this light, toolness can be applied to something, thereby categorizing it as a tool.