Going Somewhere
Estonian Academy of Arts
Estonian Academy of Arts

Going Somewhere
Estonian Academy of Arts
Estonian Academy of Arts
Two friends have similar frog tattoos. The only difference is that one of the frogs is in mid-jump, whereas the other is standing still. When the two friends stand next to each other, and depending on where their hands are, it appears as if the frog is about to jump or about to land – from standing still to mid-jump, or from mid-jump to standing still. The thoughts explored within this publication are in the mid-jump – they are still but trying to go somewhere. [publisher's note]
Authors: Alejandro Bellón Ample, Aleksandrs Breže, Louise Borinski, Paula Buškevica, Björn Giesecke, Otso Peräsaari, Diandra Rebase, Katarina Sarap
Author(s): Various
Year: 2022
Cover: Softcover
Language: English
Authors: Alejandro Bellón Ample, Aleksandrs Breže, Louise Borinski, Paula Buškevica, Björn Giesecke, Otso Peräsaari, Diandra Rebase, Katarina Sarap
Author(s): Various
Year: 2022
Cover: Softcover
Language: English
Found in:
Speculative & Otherworldly