Lápiz No. 7: Learning Across Liberation Theologies
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Lápiz No. 7: Learning Across Liberation Theologies
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"Ultimately rooted at the crux of the colonialities of power and knowledge, the tacit secularism widespread among Latin American intellectual circles that a priori disavows religion or spirituality has become, for many of us at the Latin American Philosophy of Education Society, more of an obstacle to critical thinking than a shared point of departure. Thus, for the 2020 LAPES annual symposium, we sought to explore the transformative potential of religion and spirituality for theory and praxis. This interest was pedagogical in its own right, perhaps more than anything; we wanted to reach out and learn from liberation theologies so as to continue developing our own critical pedagogies and organizational endeavors..."

With contributions by Rafael Vizcaíno, Mark Lewis Taylor, Mumia Abu-Jamal, Sylvia Marcos, Rashad Raymond Moore, and A. Tito Mitjans Alayón.

Editor(s): LAPES (Latin American Philosophy of Education Society)
Year: 2021
Pages: 112
Dimensions: 5.5 x 8.5 in.
Cover: Softcover
ISSN: 2374-2402 
Language: English

Found in: Criticism  Education  Politics  Theory