Son of Ingagi (1940) screening

Jacob Lindgren @ 2023-10-26 09:41:58 -0500
Saturday, October 28th from 7-10pm (after shop hours), join us in hosting longtime Inga friends and programmers A.J. McClenon and Isra Rene for a spooky season screening of Son of Ingagi (1940) 🎥 by Richard C. Kahn with a screenplay by Spencer Wiliams Jr.

🚪Doors will open at 7 pm for light snacks, with the screening starting around 7:30 (Run time: 1hr 2 min) and a post-screening discussion aiming to address one of the central questions at hand in the film: What are the origins of Monstrosity? A reader of the material, the film, and Black Horror put together by A.J. and Isra will also be available alongside our titles at the shop 💭. The night will close with an accompanying playlist for the occasion.