Magioil Xing

Magioil Xing
No.1 is the first official issue of the magazine 「恭喜/congrats!」. Evolving from the experimental No.0, No.1 represents the transition from an artist zine to an "almost fully-fledged" general audience publication. Showcasing a diverse range of creations and non-creations from various backgrounds and forms, No.1 features poems, dream narratives, chat arguments with a date, an ongoing short story, estranged friends' love letters, a mother’s diary on daughter’s beloved cat...
Magioil Xing (MX) is a spontaneous artist duo comprised of Ning Jian and Zoey Gu. They began their collaboration in 2021, blending their ideas and images within the domain of darkroom black and white photography. Over time, their artistic experiments expanded into paper-based photographic media, image collections, and self-publishing.
The duo runs 「恭喜/congrats!」, a non-pro(fessional) space dedicated to celebrating drafts, unfinished and unwanted thoughts, images, and texts created by individuals. Their goal is to collect these creations, congratulate the creators, and publish their works in magazine form.