A Catalog of Risk by Alisha Mascarenhas
Wendy's Subway
Wendy's Subway

A Catalog of Risk by Alisha Mascarenhas
Wendy's Subway
Wendy's Subway
Alisha Mascarenhas’s A Catalogue of Risk is a volte-face of the neoliberal market economy’s construction of isolated, individual safety. In her debut book of poems, Mascarenhas lingers in the question of risk as it arises in daily life and intimacy. Through a close study and partial translation of philosopher-psychoanalyst Anne Dufourmantelle’s Éloge du risque (2011), her poems posit risk as a fissure, through which we might imagine yet-unknown futures.
Author: Alisha Mascarenhas
Year: 2025
Pages: 136
Cover: Softcover
Language: English
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