Set Margins'

Set Margins'
In this collection of essays and musings, Freek Lomme shares his collected and sometimes contradictory experiences of striving for independent, progressive and sustainable creative production. Using a grassroots approach based on activist engagement, entrepreneurship, design pedagogy and more, Lomme offers multiple perspectives on how to maintain a liberal mindset in an era of burgeoning neo-conservatism. Discussing everything from punk rock to the “silent majority,” he contextualizes the facade of technocratic capitalism as built by politics, marketing and the invisible hand of the oligarchy. Care Where No One Does sparks a different kind of production economy: one based on trust and engagement wherever possible.
Freek Lomme, founder and owner of Set Margins’ publications, is an editor, publisher, producer, graphic designer, writer and lecturer. Lomme is best known for founding Onomatopee with graphic designer Remco van Bladel in 2006.