Las cosas no caen del cielo
Taller de Ediciones Económicas
Taller de Ediciones Económicas

Las cosas no caen del cielo
Taller de Ediciones Económicas
Taller de Ediciones Económicas
Las cosas no caen del cielo es parte del proyecto Las cosas caen del cielo (que no siempre), de la artista Dulce Chacón, en el recoge narrativas (reales y ficticias), y se apropia de ellas y las transporta a su imaginario gráfico, en ese espacio paralelo que se empeña en construir con su dibujo. En el libro, Dulce recopila (a veces tergiversa) esas narraciones y las reconstruye convirtiéndolas en ficción al tiempo que las recrea con su dibujo y las revela mágicas y caóticas. Las cosas no caen del cielo juega con la formalidad del objeto y lo desarma para retar la atención del lector, invitándolo a descubrir su lógica y a rearmarlo cada vez, es un experimento-capricho generado del diálogo entre editor-artista que expande el horizonte donde leer la realidad no es un juego sencillo.
Las cosas no caen del cielo is part of the project of Las cosas caen del cielo (que no siempre), by the artist Dulce Chacón, in which she collects narratives (real and fictitious), and appropriates them and transports them to her graphic imaginary, in that parallel space that he insists on building with his drawing. In the book, Dulce collects (sometimes misrepresents) those narratives and reconstructs them by turning them into fiction while recreating them with her drawing and revealing them magical and chaotic. Things do not fall from the sky play with the formality of the object and disarm it to challenge the reader's attention, inviting him to discover its logic and rearm it every time, it is an experiment-whim generated from the dialogue between editor-artist that expands the horizon where to read reality is not an easy game.
Author: Dulce Chacón
Year: 2019
Las cosas no caen del cielo is part of the project of Las cosas caen del cielo (que no siempre), by the artist Dulce Chacón, in which she collects narratives (real and fictitious), and appropriates them and transports them to her graphic imaginary, in that parallel space that he insists on building with his drawing. In the book, Dulce collects (sometimes misrepresents) those narratives and reconstructs them by turning them into fiction while recreating them with her drawing and revealing them magical and chaotic. Things do not fall from the sky play with the formality of the object and disarm it to challenge the reader's attention, inviting him to discover its logic and rearm it every time, it is an experiment-whim generated from the dialogue between editor-artist that expands the horizon where to read reality is not an easy game.
Author: Dulce Chacón
Year: 2019