Plates Journal

Plates Journal
Plates Issue 02: Cipher engages with concepts of code and code-switching. Using a diverse range of approaches that span both fiction and non-fiction, the seven contributions that appear in Issue 02 present insights into the languages both shared and secret, public and personal, that infiltrate and define the contemporary world.
1. Letter from the Editor
2. Cayuga Street by Bre Skye
3. Fugere Urbem: Aesthetics, Politics, and Class in Violeira’s Languages of the Non-Urban by Cecília Resende Santos
4. The Preset, the Generic, and an Ambivalent Politics of Non-Production: A Conversation 5. Between Thomas Smith and Richard B. Keys by Richard B. Keys
6. The Gross Gloss: Scorpio by Alan Perry; illustrations in collaboration with Richard Domenico
7. P = NP by I.L. Smith
8. Green Flowers by Jordan Davey-Emms
9. Bird’s the Word: A Cipher in a 17th-Century Sampler by Isabella Rosner
Author(s): Various
Editor: Casey Carsel
Design: Unyimeabasi Udoh
Year: 2020
Cover: Softcover
Language: English