Bodiless Editions

Bodiless Editions
Designed through literal walks in different landscapes, with us, many is a multi-voice book that questions the ideological space of publishing by applying an ecological-speculative attitude. Among the different interventions, the project tackles issues of solidarity with non-human agents, the racialized nature of American exceptionalism, and the linguistic limits of copyright law. The story is peppered with a sparse smattering of cultural artifacts, including faux cliff dwellings, scientific research facilities, and tributes to iconic figures like Rosalind Krauss and Angela Davis. Like the rocket's red glare, a mysterious sensation burst onto the scene.
rumsfeld collective
This group of US-based artists, writers, and researchers, during secret meetings at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, anticipated with a margin of a hundred years, the fall of TRPF—tendency of the rate of profit to fall. They were spotted driving a 1965 Pontiac Catalina around Sedalia, MO.
170x240 mm
288 pages
ISBN 978-88-947034-6-7