
An Incessant Unknowability: An Archive of Protest Inspired Typography and it’s Open Source Uses is the 2nd volume in the GenderFail, Anthology of Queer Typography ongoing series . This second volume centers on the open source uses of our fonts from 2018 (when the first font was made) to the present. The fonts’ uses presented in this book account for just the knowable uses of the 10 GenderFail fonts. This book features 26 unique open source uses categorized into four different sections: Personal, collective institutional, and protest. Finding these works can be hard and one of the only ways is either being tagged on Instagram or being emailed directly from the makers. It’s amazing to think there are numerous other uses of our fonts that I will never see.
This new anthology features a new commissioned essay by emily sara of Cripple, an extension of the practice of emily sara * a publishing initiative supporting disabled artists and designers * purposely non-linear. Sara presents their new protest inspired font 504 font where letters were pulled from posters of the 504 Protests. sara states:
“Only ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ and 504 and ! are available. Z, missing from documentation, is an image of Judy Heumann—who continues to live on through the protests and the innate firey nature of our crippled community.”
Author: Be Oakley
Year: 2024
Pages: 120
Dimensions: 19.6 x 13.1 cm
Cover: Softcover
Language: English