Drum Listens to Heart
CCA Wattis Institute for Contemporary Arts Inventory Press
Drum Listens to Heart
CCA Wattis Institute for Contemporary Arts Inventory Press

This is the catalogue for the 2022 international group exhibition Drum Listens to Heart, "weaving different forms of percussion together — physical and socio-political, literal and metaphorical — and juxtaposes instances of impact and vibration with forms of control, emancipation, and community-building. It offers a framework and a vocabulary that binds art and politics to each other in percussive ways." Features the work of Luke Anguhadluq, Francis Alÿs, Marcos Ávila Forero, Raven Chacon, Trisha Donnelly,Emkal Eyongakpa, Theaster Gates,Milford Graves, David Hammons, Susan Howe & David Grubbs, NIC Kay, Barry Le Va, Rose Lowder, Lee Lozano, Guadalupe Maravilla, Harold Mendez, Rie Nakajima,The Otolith Group, Lucy Raven, Davina Semo, Michael E. Smith, Consuelo Tupper Hernández, Haegue Yang, and David Zink Yi.

Curated by Anthony Huberman, the exhibition brings together works in a variety of media to explore rhythm, pulse, music,cultural history, healing, power, freedom,and control. The book includes a new essay by the curator, images by the artists, as well as short texts about specific terms that make up a vocabulary of percussion, such as beats, drumming, rhythm, tempo, and others. Writers include Geeta Dayal, Lê Quan Ninh, Hannah Black, Hypatia Vourloumis, Natasha Ginwala, JJJJJerome Ellis, Will Holder, and Hamza Walker &Anthony Elms.

Found in: Exhibitions  Language  Sound