Album by Mariana Valencia
Wendy's Subway
Album by Mariana Valencia
Wendy's Subway

Mariana Valencia’s solo performance ALBUM assembles song, text, and dance into a multifaceted album that draws from choreographic methodology, personal narrative, herstorical and intergenerational kinship, and popular culture. The first title in Wendy’s Subway’s Document Series, ALBUM expands on Valencia’s performance to include her spoken script in its entirety alongside choreographic descriptions and new annotations, original song lyrics, diagrams, drawings, and visual representation. Navigating childhood memory, mourning, framily, and vampires through factual, humorous, and grave observations, Valencia archives and performs a self herstory as an album in image and song.

The Document Series highlights the work of performance- and dance-makers in printed form.

Author: Mariana Valencia
Year: 2019
Pages: 80
Dimensions: 6 x 8.25 in.
Cover: Softcover
Edition: 400
ISBN: 978-1-7327086-0-0 
Language: English

Found in: Art  Dance  Feminism  Music  Performance  Politics  Research