“Napoli, la città più bella di tutta la Sicilia!”
Istituto Sicilia is an organization for art and landscape that was founded in the spring of 2021 in the point of union of the African tectonic plate and the Eurasian one. IS is born out of the idea of imagining Sicily as a fluctuating entity in the Mediterranean, a museum of natures and temporality. A ship———spaceship.
Istituto Sicilia is, in reality, a plurality of institutes, of paradigms, an assemblage of thoughts that converge in their diversity. The epistemologies through which the research of the Institute is developed are the ones that stem from Sicily itself: a continuum of stratified and complex natures and cultures where voices and images, texts and desires, generate a museum in which nature and art are a unique great possibility of union.
Editorial by Renato Leotta
“Napoli, la città più bella di tutta la Sicilia!” (IT-EN)
Valèrie Da Costa
“Paul Thek en Italie” (FR - EN)
Peter Benson Miller
“Laboriosa solitudine: Paul Thek in Sicily” (EN-IT)
– Archivio Alliata, Roma –
Franco La Cecla
Giuseppe Donizzetti: “Oriente e Occidente si sono continuamente attratti” (IT-TR)
– Archivio del Conservatorio di musica S. Pietro a Majella, Napoli -
Andreas Petrossiants
“All’ombra del Vulcano: Pasolini e l'Etna” (IT-EN)
– Archivio Fotografico Tomarchio, Acireale-Zafferana Etnea –
Vicente Todolì
“Vorrei piantumare un giardino (e vederlo crescere)”
in conversation with Vicente Todolí (IT-ES)
Maria Luce Cacciaguerra
“Il Divano: Il viaggio di Ibn Hamdis” (IT-EN)
Dossier Franco Minissi: museografia perduta del Museo Archeologico Paolo Orsi di Siracusa.
Softcover 112 pp, 24x32 cm
English/Italiano + French, Spanish, Turkish